Tuesday, October 12, 2010

In the beginning...things...started

I haven't blogged in a while, so I'm rusty. If there is such a thing as becoming rusty at sharing thoughts on the internet in more than three sentences (thank you Facebook status updates). So I came to a realization yesterday, while wasting hours looking at the same sites over and over again. And I do mean that, I seriously will sit here and keep refreshing my email in between re-checking other sites like IGN and IMDB, like some fucking Alzheimer's patient. I came to the conclusion that despite my laziness and refusal to admit that I'm an anti-social internet geek, I should probably start doing more with my time online than clicking these six tabs over and over again. So, I decided to start up a new YouTube account and do video game commentaries, my rationing being that there is a cavalcade of Call of Duty montages and ultimate kill streak videos which serve no purpose other than to feed the uploader's ego, but not so many from average gamers who aren't particularly gifted at quick scoping and camping. So, I figured I could unabashedly showcase my average skills with commentaries because hell, I'm not doing much with my time otherwise. I mean yeah, I go to school, I write, and I should definitely be doing more work on my web series (and I will). But I spend so much time bored wishing I had something, anything, productive to do that involves my internet addiction.

And then there's this. This blog, right here. Why not blog? I make fun of it all the time but to be perfectly frank I have no shame in sharing my odd thoughts with people on a regular basis, so why not let the other people in the world in on my crazy, eh?

I'd be remiss not to mention what I did today, right? I went to the gun range and shot a Saiga 12 shotgun. It looks like this: 

Mean mother-fucker, I must say. My arm is still rather sore. But, on the plus side, I vented A LOT of frustration shooting that thing. I felt pretty relaxed afterwords.

So that's it for today, I'll leave you with a photo I took months ago of a plant outside my apartment:

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